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I enthusiastically endorse Michele Meyer in Maine House District 2

Posted Jun 7, 2018 at 3:27 PM

Updated Jun 7, 2018 at 3:27 PM

To the Editor:

As a voter in Kittery House District 2, a retired teacher, and active supporter of Progressive Democrats since 2002, I want to share my enthusiasm for Michele Meyer, candidate for the Maine House of Representatives. I wasn’t surprised that this strong Democratic leader was just endorsed by Equality Maine, a LGBTQ advocacy group. Michele’s ideas on civil rights and social justice are consistent with my own beliefs of the value and dignity of every citizen, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

It also makes sense that the Maine People’s Alliance [MPA] endorsed Michele along with just four other primary candidates statewide - all Democratic women running clean election campaigns. The MPA is a statewide grassroots organization committed to bringing about positive social change. I am pleased this group sees Michele as a citizen leader deserving to serve in Augusta.

If you haven’t met Michele, she is running for State Representative for House District 2, which is all of Eliot and parts of Kittery and South Berwick. She is a Registered Nurse who helps run her organic family farm in Eliot. She is the former Chair of the Eliot Democratic Committee and was instrumental in bringing about reform in Eliot town government. I am pleased to call her my friend.

Please join me in voting for Michele Meyer on June 12, if you want someone who will stand strong on the issues that matter to her constituents, to the Maine People’s Alliance, and to Equality Maine.

Frank DeSarro

Kittery, Maine



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